Sup guys. Don't know how many of you know/remember me. I've been around for a while but never was super active on the server. I made the 2 BuggyBattle maps and helped on a few other maps back when I was real active here.
Anyways I was just on my photobucket account and found all the screens I had uploaded of my maps and cars and I realized I have a ton of stuff I never released. A few maps and a bunch of vehicles and stuff. I'm thinking about packing it all up and uploading it here so someone can put it to use if they want. I know I'll never finish any of it as I never play IS82 or BF42 anymore. Hell, I don't even remember how to map or mod anyways. Haha. I'll post some of the pics I have and see what you guys think. Some of you guys have probably seen some of these before.
Yes, I'll take them off ur hands, send them to me in a PM or here, whichever you prefer.
Good lookin out man. I have been the main mapper as of the last year or two. Shrooms and Sniper Jack have produced a few as well. Not to mention Reegads
2 questions for you man:
1. Did you ever make a buggy battle one? 2. Do you ever plan on playing again?
There have been a lot of new maps, maybe you'd get a kick out of them. Kudos to you for all the work you put into making is82 a better place!!
146 's............................................................"I said GOODDAY SIR!!"............................sig by FlaMiN!!
Haha. I think I did actually. Although I'm not sure I have it anymore. It was real short and simple, didn't know much then. I just looked and couldn't find it. Don't even know what it was called, I don't think I had come up with BuggyBattle at the time.
I just loaded up IS82 to check my maps out and stuff. Probably the first time I've done that in YEARS. Can't honestly say I'll ever get into any of it again. is still my homepage though, haha.
I'll go through and pack up everything I can find. Not sure how big it'll be. I know the Snow Town map I was working on is pretty big as it was pretty much done. Just had some bugs I think. Most of those vehicles above were never completely finished. Gun placement, nos icons and stuff aren't right.
I have quite a few simple track pieces and random stunt objects I made I'll throw in too. None have real textures though as I never learned how to do that stuff.
Scratch that. Found what was BuggyBattle I. Takes me back. Haha. Hell, I'll throw it in there too. It's called Mylevel. Think I didn't know how to change names at the time. Lol.
Any place I can upload 245mb at? Or am I gonna have to break it down? Guess I can try the ftp here if it still works.
Well, I was around 14 when I was doing all this stuff. I do wish I hadn't quit doing 3d modeling and would've kept with it. I bet i couldn't make shit in 3dsmax now.
If anything, just put it up so anyone can download it here. May as well try and get it used. I'd hate to know how much time I have invested in this stuff. Haha.
All I know how to do is make maps and swoop stuff from other maps. Yet it's gotten me through many maps over the past 3 years. 14. Gnarly. I'm 29!
146 's............................................................"I said GOODDAY SIR!!"............................sig by FlaMiN!!
Wow b_w those cars are awesome. b_w and chicken showing face! I hope goodday you put those cars to good use. Rubba has quality stuff too in an earlier news post. Welcome back champs.