Here are the current maps in production to one degree or another:
Valley Final(NEEDS AN OPERATION STILL) Almost Easy the sequel(NEEDS A SPRUCE STILL) Twist of Doom Final(hardly any work done) Happy Cactus Fever(under construction)
Here are future maps I hope to revamp and/or create:
TakerPhenom Luge World by takerphenom Zomg Boatz by takerphenom
TOXIC TEABAG's: The Arena Final
FlaMiN's: Room of Gloom 2 Rainbow Road Extended Maze of Horrors Final
OTHERS: Ampa Hbu Final Spiral to Hell Final
AAA by Redline
Deathrace Sky Final The Crater Final
146 's............................................................"I said GOODDAY SIR!!"............................sig by FlaMiN!!
[ 21:48 ] [ 20 Jul 2013 ]
I'm happy to see the possibilities available in the near future i'm content with coppermine I wouldn't change a thing you can drive the map without complications I love falling in that huge tube. U can soar through that map!
Registered Member #2396 Joined: [ 23:47 ] [ 21 Nov 2010 ]
Busiest man in IS82 land how does he do and still have time for all the chicks? Look forward to new stuff Good, I doubt I'd play IS82 as much as I did in the last few years without your maps and the other members maps. Its great to see you guys still breathing life into this mod as 82 is the only real reason I have 1942 still installed.
I need to find more time to play, but I've been playing a lot of Arma 2 coop lately with some buddies and I just received a gifted copy of Borderlands 2 that I'll probably get into (likely with my older brothers on a limited basis).
Shrooms....amen brotha. As you can see, I'm not out to revamp "complete maps". Coppermine was well made.
Hitch. Focus on them cookies and you will breathe new, revitalized life into is82. You are the man and I'm glad you're still lingering around here. Remember though, no game is better than this...:)
LOL mista!!1 IKR!?!? What the fuck am I gonna do to make Erduegel a gem??!!?? me!! But I'll try! I don't even know who made the mutha fucka!!
146 's............................................................"I said GOODDAY SIR!!"............................sig by FlaMiN!!
Valley Final is still to be looked at. gooddaytodie final is complete. rough rocks final will be coming out soon. almost easy the sequel is underway. training day 2 is also in development.
146 's............................................................"I said GOODDAY SIR!!"............................sig by FlaMiN!!