I'd love to see every map get some sort of awesome update to them. We've talked about this on and off for years here and we've never had it really kick off. I do actually want to take up this project now. Not every map would be updated in the same way. When I think about pipefun, the only thing I can change without crossing the line is fixing the ev maps. But I'd like to do something loud to it and change the textures and background. Something like making the skybox a large pipe system, making you feel like your driving through the inner workings of some engine or a sci fi thing. That really changes the map though and i'd have to ask lemming man if he'd want that. I wouldn't go overboard like that for other maps.
When I think about loaf's deathrace, I can only fix the ev maps on it too. That's not too exciting of a change, but the most I would do is add a miniature cessna to the end flag, maybe.