"These cookies can not be physically held(eaten) Jeran. 'Merely' a symbol and an acknowledgement of your success at Interstate."
"You're handing out Golden Tickets to everybody when there should only be five.".......Shooter McGavin....preach!!
That's right! You heard it! Beat a map, get a cookie! How many s can you munch? 1? 5? 10? 25? 50? 100?!!
Starting right now, (8/11/11) any one who beats an is82 CHALLENGE MAP on THIS SERVER, with at least ONE WITNESS or a SCREEN SHOT, will get a added to their name Just use this thread as the hub to let us know, so we can add your name to the list! Don't forget to include the map name. I'll see if I can make a chart or some nifty way to log it all. In the mean time.....GAME ON! Will be updated regularly. ***EXTRA INFO*** Also, shortcuts or cheats CAN ONLY be used to RE-REACH a failed location on a map to RESUME progress(assuming you know how/where to cheat Furthermore, if you have a driver, they can taxi you back to a fallen location to resume progress.
FreezeHun ( after the tsunami, alpine rally, australia, big fun, crater valley, dakar rally, daredevils paradise, deathrace, deathrace 2, ftrack, ftrack nights, lakeside, tsunami
F1MadKiller ( after the tsunami, alpine rally, australia, big fun, easyrace, cratervalley, dakar rally, deathrace )
GeorgeT.Clooney ( 2005, 2006, action, after the tsunami, almost easy, alpine rally, ampa hbu, ampa hbu 2, australia, auto cessna challenge,auto stratos challenge, badnighttolive, beanstalk 2, bigfun, bluewater, buggy battle, buggy battle 2, buggy battle 3, christmas fever, church fever, cold, country race, crater valley, coppermine, dakar rally, daredevils paradise, death, deathrace, deathrace extreme, deathrace 2, deathrace 2 extreme, deathrace 3, deathrace 4, deathrace easter, deathrace 2 easter, deathrace rcc, deathrace sky, deathrace time trial, deathrace winter wonderland, deathrace x, dream world, drx2, dystopia city, easter, easy race, eightouncesofcaptain, everfree forest, ethos, four elements, ftrack, ftrack nights, grand canyon, gad's challenge, guts deathrace, gutted, hell and back, highway through hell, hillclimb, hillclimb 3, hillsung, ice rally, island race, kartman, lakeside, life n death, loafs deathrace, maze, maze of horrors, moon mountain,mountainstream, mr snowman, ninja ratchet, ninja ratchet 2, ninja ratchet 3, ninja ratchet 4, ninja ratchet 5, ninja ratchet 6, ninja ratchet 7, ninja ratchet 8, ninja ratchet 9, ohsnap, omgzilla, omgzilla 2, one shot, parcours challenge converted, pipefun, problematic flags, project pivu final, race of doom, race of doom 2, rainbow road, road rage, rough rocks, ruined vacation, seaside ride, sewer run, sky city, sky dive, sky diver, skylines the limit, snowday, spiral to hell, split decision, starsky challenge, step to step, streets parcours challenge, summertrip flags, summernights, suppercross, tempel tournament, the first challenge, too blue,tracked to the max, training day basics, trap up and down, tropical run, tsunami, twist of doom, valley, vigiland )
goldsonic/StarSky (2005, after the tsunami, australia, bean stalk2, big fun, blue water, buggybattle, coppermine, country race, crater valley, dakar rally, deathrace, deathrace 2, deathrace 3 V2, deathrace 4, deathrace sky, deathrace time trial, easy race, gutted, hell and back, kartman, lakeside, moon mountain, mr snowman, one shot, rough rocks, seaside ride, sky city, sky dive, sky diver, skylines the limit, supercross, too blue, tracked up and down, tropical run, valley final,
GoodDayToDie!! ( 2005, 2006, action, after the tsunami, almost easy, almost easy the sequel, alpine rally, ampa hbu, ampa hbu 2, australia, auto cessna challenge,auto stratos challenge, badnighttolive, beanstalk, beanstalk 2, bigfun, bluewater, buggy battle, buggy battle 2, buggy battle 3, chickenrun, christmas fever, church fever, cold, country race, crater valley, coppermine, dakar rally, daredevils paradise, death, deathrace, deathrace extreme, deathrace 2, deathrace 2 extreme, deathrace 3, deathrace 4, deathrace easter, deathrace 2 easter, deathrace rcc, deathrace sky, deathrace time trial, deathrace winter wonderland, deathrace x, disco fever, dream world, drx2, dystopia city, easter, easy race, everfree forest, eightouncesofcaptain, endurance, ethos, four elements, ftrack, ftrack nights, gooddaytodie final, gooddaytodie 2, gooddaytodie 3, grand canyon, gad's challenge, guts deathrace, gutted, hell and back, highway through hell, hillclimb, hillclimb 2, hillclimb 3, hillsung, hop, ice rally, island race, kartman, lakeside, life n death, loafs deathrace, maze, maze of horrors, moon mountain,mountainstream, mr snowman, ninja ratchet, ninja ratchet 2, ninja ratchet 3, ninja ratchet 4, ninja ratchet 5, ninja ratchet 6, ninja ratchet 7, ninja ratchet 8, ninja ratchet 9, ohsnap, omgzilla, omgzilla 2, omgzilla 3, one shot, parcours challenge converted, perfection mkii, pipefun, problematic, problematic flags, project pivu final, race of doom, race of doom 2, rainbow road, road rage, room of gloom, rough rocks, ruined vacation, seaside ride, sewer run, sky city, sky dive, sky diver, skylines the limit, snowday, spiral to hell, split decision, starsky challenge, step to step, streets parcours challenge, summer trip, summertrip flags, summernights, suppercross, swimming shores, tempel tournament, the first challenge, too blue,tracked to the max, training day, training day 2, training day basics, trap up and down, tropical run, tsunami, twist of doom, ultimate, valley, vigiland )
Although HitchHackingFlatlander, mista, and shooter witnessed it, I had to post me finally capping the map Ultimate using the stratos(not using the mega grenade launcher)
146 's............................................................"I said GOODDAY SIR!!"............................sig by FlaMiN!!
Beat Mountainstream w mista. apparently i have a young map that doesn't crash when capped. hence we got to go turbo surfin
A young map ye say lol
It doesn't make any xense. I uploaded my .rfa, then I took straight from server and uploaded that, Mark and Madkiller STILL crash at the GC elevator flag cap.
Mark also has GC, so I'm stunned no idea why crash at end