Registered Member #1878 Joined: [ 12:09 ] [ 26 May 2007 ] Posts: 209
Well, a while ago I posted here in the forum with some pictures from the Interstate movie project "Brothers for Life" I have been working on it with a few people since then.
We started filming and got some nice takes. But what we need now are more actors.
What we need to know If you want to be an actor then tell us the following information about you: - Nickname (ingame) - Age - The country where you live
Conditions If someone answers to this thread and wants to be an actor, then this person will be accepted with the following conditions: - The most important rule: ONLY actors are allowed to have the internal "Brothers for Life" Movie Mod. Nobody is permitted to give the Movie Mod to someone else. - You have to agree that we can use your full real name for the movie credits. (We don't know yet if we will just use the nicknames or the full real names)
Process If we take you as an actor, you will receive the "Brothers for Life" movie mod from us. You need the full Interstate 82 Mod to use it. We will tell you when we start filming and you will receive the server ip. We don’t know yet how we want give this information to the actors. Maybe in another forum, we will tell you later on.