Yes, it's true. This map is well underway and it's turning out to be a very promising level with hopefully a similar (Sunday drive/mild concentration) feel to it as it's predecessors...
Features thus far included:
*Forest themed(skybox not decided yet, thinking maybe an early morning sunrise:) edit: Found a great sky from the map, "Dek Pek" from the EOD mod. *Terrain height limit doubled in scale for one big mountain to get to. *Wrench fix *Added nos/boost to Stratos. *A few custom objects pulled from other is82 maps: bonfire, castle, restaurant, clock tower etc.... *At the end I'm thinking of having 3 flags: 1 for each team to cap that ONLY they can cap. And a flag in the middle (gold cup or cookie) to fight over.
As of now, most of the terrain has been sculpted and I have played with/tested a few textures. It will be similar to Deathrace 1 in regards to the stunt roads and loops will be near the end of the course.
Should I post some "work in progress pics"? Or just give y'all a final product with less jibber jabber?
146 's............................................................"I said GOODDAY SIR!!"............................sig by FlaMiN!!
You sir are a savage map maker. How do you handle all the chicks?
With one lubed up whip my friend....
I'll just take that as a compliment
However my man, I have about 2-5 more maps to release before I'll feel happy and content walking away from these creations. It's a dirty hobby but somebody's got to do it
146 's............................................................"I said GOODDAY SIR!!"............................sig by FlaMiN!!