How could i get the rcc stratos like in streets rcc to work in-game i tried by copying and pasting the standardmesh, objects,and texture folder from streets rcc. They work i BC but not in game
i think my problem was, i was using kart_stratos instead of kart_stratos02 the 02 is textured. Ill see if it works now [Edit]: Didnt work would it be that i didnt copy the sound folder?
But the stratosRCC isnt part of the is82 standardmesh.rfa.. then you would need the full path wont you? Mind sending me the map? could have a look at it
If it's in the standardmesh RFA you need full path (or it will just take original.. Stunt flat is a better example..) it looks in both to find it so if it's only in your map that's all it needs
Oh yeah thats right! I always use full path just in case xD
Is no more
[ 22:06 ] [ 06 Jul 2010 ]
I copied all the buggy folders but the sound one and still nothing. could it be that i using deathrace? even though i tried it on another map and it still didnt work