Even if I were not to become an admin, I would still do all I could to have a new version come out.
A decent point/attitude.
As you may well see I have deleted virtually all of this thread.
There were some valid points about the mod which I have also deleted as they were off topic.
Virtually every reason for being admin has been weak.
"I'll get my friends on here.." "I'll do maps..." "I'll promote it elsewhere..." These things should all just happen regardless of whether you are admin or a total noob..
If you would like to be admin then please explain why. not how much you want it.. This is not American fucking Idol. (Although i would make a good Simon Cowell) "I want it so bad.. it's all I ever wanted my whole life.. This is my dream.. I want it sooooo bad.." will not get you a tag I'm afraid.
Mods.. please delete anything which is not a clear 'application for admin' and keep this on-topic.
If you feel you would like to add to your initial post/application then EDIT YOUR POST! do not post again. It will all be reviewed by the powers that be and we will notice your additions I promise. You should have ONE post in this thread.